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DiskDisk Graph

Disc Graph Profile

Disk graph

Disk Graphing

It's a free tool allowing to graphically display the hard disk space usage: it shows all the directories and subdirectories of the hard drive on a single graph, allowing to see the largest directories at a glance. When you combine the resulting graph with other graphs, it will look exactly as you want it. The long-and-narrow or short-and-wide graph will appear in the array adjacent to all the other graphs. Each graph is allocated an equal-sized area in the array, and the oddly shaped graph is drawn into it. Allows users to scan individual folders, or entire disk drives Makes it easy to determine the files and folders using the most space Allow user to explore the directory subtree Double Click on a folder to zoom the view in Get Detailed information on a file or folder, including: File Type Modification Date File Size. Google Chrome cache location changes from RAM disk to HDD 8 days ago by Vincent. Re: Upload bandwidth is not showing on the usage graph 9 days ago by Ann. Upload bandwidth is not showing on the usage graph 9 days ago by Alex.