Apache Http Ssl Configuration

Configuring SSL With Virtual Hosts under Apache and CentOS. I've got two websites being served from a CentOS instance. One of those has SSL enabled, the other is just served on port 80. So, and both work fine, as does http://sitetwo.com. If you do not have access to your Apache server’s virtual hosts files, use an.htaccess file to rewrite HTTP requests to HTTPS. Add the following lines to a file named.htaccess file in your domain’s root directory (create the file if it doesn’t exist). Issues with SSL-Apache Configuration. These known issues arise when you configure the Apache plug-in to use SSL: To prepare the plug-in configuration, using Internet Explorer click the lock and go to the certificates path: Select the root CA (at the top).

OCSP Stapling

The Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) is a mechanism fordetermining whether or not a server certificate has been revoked, and OCSPStapling is a special form of this in which the server, such as httpd andmod_ssl, maintains current OCSP responses for its certificates and sendsthem to clients which communicate with the server. Most certificatescontain the address of an OCSP responder maintained by the issuingCertificate Authority, and mod_ssl can communicate with that responder toobtain a signed response that can be sent to clients communicating withthe server.

Because the client can obtain the certificate revocation status fromthe server, without requiring an extra connection from the client to theCertificate Authority, OCSP Stapling is the preferred way for therevocation status to be obtained. Other benefits of eliminating the communication between clients and the Certificate Authority are that theclient browsing history is not exposed to the Certificate Authority andobtaining status is more reliable by not depending on potentially heavilyloaded Certificate Authority servers.

Apache Httpd Ssl Configuration Windows


Because the response obtained by the server can be reused for all clientsusing the same certificate during the time that the response is valid, theoverhead for the server is minimal.

Once general SSL support has been configured properly, enabling OCSPStapling generally requires only very minor modifications to the httpdconfiguration — the addition of these two directives:

These directives are placed at global scope (i.e., not within a virtualhost definition) wherever other global SSL configuration directives areplaced, such as in conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf for normal open source builds of httpd, /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ssl.conffor the Ubuntu or Debian-bundled httpd, etc.

These directives are placed at global scope (i.e., not within a virtual host definition) wherever other global SSL configuration directives are placed, such as in conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf for normal open source builds of httpd, /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ssl.conf for the Ubuntu or Debian-bundled httpd, etc. Here is a short note on how to configure Apache to use a certificate file for SSL or How to enable https in Apache httpd server. After you enable SSL in the web server configuration, you should be able to access the application using https. Install The modssl Plugin. Make sure that modssl is installed.

The path on the SSLStaplingCache directive(e.g., logs/) should match the one on the SSLSessionCache directive. This path is relativeto ServerRoot.

This particular SSLStaplingCache directive requiresmod_socache_shmcb (from the shmcb prefix on thedirective's argument). This module is usually enabled already forSSLSessionCache or on behalf of some module other thanmod_ssl. If you enabled an SSL session cache using a mechanism other than mod_socache_shmcb, use that alternativemechanism for SSLStaplingCache as well. For example:

Apache ssl configApache httpd.conf ssl configuration

You can use the openssl command-line program to verify that an OCSP responseis sent by your server:

The following sections highlight the most common situations which requirefurther modification to the configuration. Refer also to the mod_ssl reference manual.

If more than a few SSL certificates are used for the server

OCSP responses are stored in the SSL stapling cache. While the responsesare typically a few hundred to a few thousand bytes in size, mod_ssl supports OCSP responses up to around 10K bytes in size. With more than a few certificates, the stapling cache size (32768 bytes in the example above) may need to be increased. Error message AH01929 will be logged in case ofan error storing a response.

Apache http ssl configuration server

If the certificate does not point to an OCSP responder, or if adifferent address must be used

Refer to the SSLStaplingForceURL directive.

You can confirm that a server certificate points to an OCSP responderusing the openssl command-line program, as follows:

If the OCSP URI is provided and the web server can communicate to itdirectly without using a proxy, no configuration is required. Note thatfirewall rules that control outbound connections from the web server mayneed to be adjusted.

If no OCSP URI is provided, contact your Certificate Authority todetermine if one is available; if so, configure it withSSLStaplingForceURL in the virtualhost that uses the certificate.

Apache Httpd.conf Ssl Configuration

If multiple SSL-enabled virtual hosts are configured and OCSPStapling should be disabled for some

Add SSLUseStapling Off to the virtual hosts for which OCSPStapling should be disabled.


If the OCSP responder is slow or unreliable

Several directives are available to handle timeouts and errors. Referto the documentation for theSSLStaplingFakeTryLater,SSLStaplingResponderTimeout, andSSLStaplingReturnResponderErrorsdirectives.

If mod_ssl logs error AH02217

In order to support OCSP Stapling when a particular server certificate isused, the certificate chain for that certificate must be configured. If it was not configured as part of enabling SSL, the AH02217 error will be issuedwhen stapling is enabled, and an OCSP response will not be provided for clientsusing the certificate.

Refer to the SSLCertificateChainFileand SSLCertificateFile for instructionsfor configuring the certificate chain.

All the SSL and TLS versions older than 1.2 are having lots of known vulnerabilities like POODLE (CVE-2014-3566), That’s why the latest browsers have removed support for these vulnerable protocols. We also recommend moving your server to use TLS versions and specifically to TLS 1.2. This tutorial will help you to enable TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 in mod_ssl and Apache servers.


To enable TLS 1.3 you must have Apache version 2.4.38 or higher on your system. Also search for the SSL virtual host configuration file your system.

Generally Debian based systems have there files under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled directory.

And the Redhat (RPM) based system have there configuration in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file or a sperate file under /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.

Enable TLS 1.2 only in Apache

First, edit the virtual host section for your domain in the Apache SSL configuration file on your server and add set the SSLProtocol as followings. This will disable all older protocols and your Apache server and enable TLSv1.2 only.

The minimal Apache virtual host with SSL looks like:

Enable TLS 1.3 & 1.2 Both in Apache

The Apache version 2.4.38 or higher versions support TLS v1.3. You must upgrade Apache packages before enabled TLS 1.3 in SSL settings.

The simplest Apache VirtualHost with SSL looks like below

Apache Http Ssl Configuration Server

After making changes in your configuration file, restart the Apache service to apply new settings.