Atom Github

GitHub for Atom The GitHub package brings Git and GitHub integration right inside your editor! Now you can switch or create branches, stage changes, commit, pull and push, resolve merge conflicts, view and checkout pull requests and more. When editing a file in Atom, use the command palette or keyboard shortcuts to: Open the file on alt-g, o Open the blame view for the file on alt-g, b Open the history view for the file on alt-g, h.

An Improved Go Experience For The Atom Editor

  • Github:
  • Atom:


This package includes the following functionality:

  • Display information about your current go installation, by running go version and go env
  • Autocomplete using gocode
  • Format your code with gofmt, goimports, or goreturns;optionally run one of these tools on save of any .go file
  • Run go install . and go test -c -o {tempdir} . to verify your code compilesand to keep gocode suggestions up to date
  • Run a variety of linters (e.g. golint, vet, etc.) against your code using gometalinter, revive or golangci-lint
  • Run tests, display test output, and display test coverage using go test -coverprofile
  • Display documentation for identifiers in source code usinggogetdoc
  • Rename the symbol under your cursor using gorename
  • Go to definition using guru or godef
  • Highlight occurrences of an identifier using guru
  • Find usages of an identifier using guru

You can add debug functionality to Atom by installing the following package:

  • go-debug: Debug your package / tests using delve


How Are The Builds Performed?

The following commands are run for the directory of the current file:

  • go install . (for normal .go files)
  • go test -o {tmpdir} -c . (for _test.go files)

Why Are You Running go install Instead Of go build?

gocode (and a few other tools, like gotype) work on .a files (i.e. the package object archive), and the way to keep these up to date is to run go install periodically. This ensures your autocomplete suggestions are kept up to date.


The package has CI for OS X, Windows and Ubuntu.


Installing Missing Tools

If you are missing any required tools, you may be prompted to install them. You can also manually install the required tools in your terminal:

Having Issues?

Please consult the FAQ prior to opening an issue:

If you have an issue with debugging, file an issue with go-debughere.


  • Joe Fitzgerald (@joefitzgerald)
  • Zac Bergquist (@zmb3)
  • Lukas Beranek (@lloiser)


A list of contributors can be found at Thank you so much to everyone has contributed to the package . You are awesome!


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Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please fork this repository, make yourchanges, and open a pull request. See Contributing for detailed instructions.